hello my man is snake woman!

What's up. My name is Elena Melanson. I am an artist and author, musician and photographer. But 8 also have to pennants and I am.i have two stage names. One being snakewoman for my rapping and starry melanson for my.throat singing. When I am not writing I am.doing rap, or throat singing. I am Eurasian, Buddhist and crystal lover. I also.make stone cairns. I am also a book worm and a big one at that. I am also a empath, clairvoyant and psychic and and I am ptsd warrior. Do note that I am female since birth, 34, and Pronouns (she/her)..

ꝑ℮ᒥꝑى❍𝝒a꜖ ꜖ℹ𝔣℮: I was born in Romania, was left for dead then adopted to Canada age two. Btw the time I was two years old I had full blown PTSD. My mother taught me to be creative even though she didn’t have a creative bone in her body. I was raised catholic and by the time I was 8 years old I started believing in nature based beliefs. As well as a warzone survivor I was also I bullying survivor as the catholic school system kids and all were picking on me.by the name I was 15 I was tough and start contortionry and weight lifting. I was also a martial artist. Bu the time I was 17 I was diagnosed with severe depression and was soon diagnosed properly as post traumatic stress disorder. By the time I was 28, I was fed up with medication and started to look to crystals and other witchy stuff..

I started to rap with one of my friends in my group home. I tried to get a concept going. Though I play the steel tounge drum, and jaw harp and I started to throat sing. I also write under two pennames Eleanor A. Foxstars and Ghost E. Blake. My more notable works is the moon girl trilogy. I also do art and make stone cairns and trying to get a magazine and business started hopefully by next summer my stone cairn biz will workout.


about snake woman